Singing Guide: Julie London

Singing Guide: Julie London

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Julie London

If you want to sing like Julie London, you need to understand her unique vocal style. Julie London was known for her smoky, sultry, and intimate singing voice. Her style was characterized by her ability to deliver a song with subtlety and understated emotion.

Mastering Julie London's Vocal Technique

One key aspect of Julie London's vocal technique was her breathy voice. To achieve this, it's important to focus on your breathing and make it more shallow, exhaling more air through your vocal cords to produce a softer sound.

Another feature of London's voice was her use of vibrato. Vibrato is a subtle oscillation of pitch that adds richness and depth to your singing. To develop a controlled vibrato, work on your breath control and pay attention to not allow your vibrato to become too wide or vibrato shakes.

London also had excellent phrasing abilities and a deep understanding of lyrics. To sing like her, practice your lyricism, feel every word, and try to deliver a song with subtlety and understated emotion. To improve your understanding of lyrics, a good place to start is the article "How to learn a song effectively".

Key Songs to Study

To understand London's style better, it helps to listen to her songs. Some of her most famous pieces were "Cry Me A River," "Diamonds Are Forever," and "Summertime." Listen to her songs and try to understand the way she interpreted each line. When singing her songs, pay attention to the details and work on mastering the nuances of each song.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

There are various Singing Carrots resources that can help you improve your singing to sound like Julie London:

The Bottom Line

To sing like Julie London, you need to focus on your breathy voice, controlled vibrato, lyricism, and subtlety of emotion. Listen to her songs, practice her style, and use Singing Carrots resources to master the techniques that London was known for. By following these tips and putting in time and practice, you can develop a singing voice similar to Julie London.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.